Below are descriptions for each of the areas you may select on the second page. Please read through them carefully and let us know if you have questions or need clarification.
It is important to note that selecting some areas, i.e. Bell Ringer, Lector, Server, etc. means you will be placed on a rotating schedule. Other areas, i.e. Ladies Sodality, Parish Fundraising Events, Stewardship Committee, etc. mean that you will be serving on a committee or joining a group of other parishioners in participating in these events. Some areas, i.e. Parish Secretary, Social Media Coordinator, Parish Hall Coordinator, etc. allow us to have a backup list of willing volunteers should the parishioners currently holding those positions need to step down for any reason.
Parish Council: Consent to serving a two year term.
Parish Fundraising Events: Join other parishioners to assist in facility and maintenance fundraising events.
Parish Hall Coordinator: Oversee the scheduling of the parish hall and the collection of contracts and money.
Parish Photo Directory: Schedule picture appointments and create directory using a graphics program.
Parish Secretary: Manage all parish financial funds and compile reports requested by the Diocese.
Weekly Bulletin Administrator: Gather information for weekly bulletin, create using a graphics program, and print.
CCD Instructor: Teach a class of parish youth twice a month September-April.
Church Cleaning: Once a month vacuum, wipe down pews, and remove trash from church.
Hall Cleaning: See cleaning list posted at hall.
Hall Weekly Checklist: See weekly checklist posted at the hall.
Lawn Care: Maintain parish grounds using your own lawn mower and weedeater.
Snow Removal: Remove snow and ice from sidewalks before scheduled Mass.
Window Washing: Wash church and hall windows inside and out.
Adoration: Spend time in the church in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Commitment of one hour per week minimum.
Bell Ringer: Ring the bell before Mass begins.
Call/Text List: Call or text a list of assigned parishioners in the event of Mass cancellation or a parish emergency.
Choir: Practice and sing in the choir.
Communion to Sick/Shut In: Administer communion to the sick and shut ins of the parish. Must be a Eucharistic Minister.
Eucharistic Minister: Administer the body and blood of Christ during Mass communion service.
Greeter: Greet/welcome parishioners before Mass and pass out bulletins after Mass.
Lead Rosary: Lead the rosary 30 minutes before Mass begins.
Lector: Read the announcements, the readings, and the Prayers of the Faithful.
Musician: Provide music on an instrument and lead the choir.
Offertory Basket: Pass the offertory basket during Mass.
Parish Announcements: Gather parish information and events, write, and print for the Lector.
Prayers of the Faithful: Write the Prayers of the Faithful and print for Lector.
Present Gifts: Present the gifts during Mass.
Sacristan: Prepare the altar before and after Mass. Manage candles, bread, and wine inventory.
Server: Assist Father during Mass.
Social Concerns: Serve on a committee that checks in with the sick and elderly of the parish and participates in parish social activities.
Stewardship Committee: Serve on the Stewardship Committee.
Ladies Sodality: Join the Ladies Sodality. Open to all women of the parish. No dues.
Social Media: Serve as Social Media Coordinator for Parish Facebook and Instagram.